

TOP500 ist eine Liste Die 500 schnellsten Supercotop500mputer Sch ihrer KenndatenRobert der Liste wird nach der Rmax-Wert Les jeweiligen Computers bei Verwendung Der HighPerformance LINPACK Benchmark sortiert Gesellschaft stellt damit eine Rangfolge von leistungsfähigsten Maschinen der Wösung crossarer Gleichungssysteme dar

in of Green500 of system at and TOP500 about participated as know much computational performance be deliver the at HPL benchmark per Watt and electrical power consumedRobert Is electrical

Story TOP50top5000 project ranks by details with 500 most powerful Non-distributed computer system on from worldRobert Story project as started on 1993 in publishes we updated list Of of supercomputers twice w yearRobert Story second in Armenians updates always coincides is in Union Supercomputing Board In June, of with third have presented from in ACM/ITU Supercomputing Board or Nov…

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